


Hi there!👋🏻
I'm Yuda, Bachelor of Computer Science, Software Engineer at amalan International Indonesia.
🧑‍💻 I'm currently working on development web, mobile, and desktop applications, Full-stack.

know me more


About Me

Let Me Introduce My Self

I'm in love with programming, till now I have learned something I think.. 😁
I'm interested with Javascript, PHP, Rust, Python, Go, Dart. And Javascript is my favorite language cause Javascript is everywhere 🤓
I am always interested in using the latest technology.
Whenever possible I expand my knowledge about Javascript, PHP, Rust, Python, Go, Dart and some cloud provider.

Find Me On

Feel free to connect with me


const lifeMust = () => {
	do {
	} while (true)

export default lifeMust

My Skills

What I'm good at


Tools that I use

i have a story


My Journey

Let Me Tell You About My Journey

I was born in Madiun, Indonesia.
After graduated from high school, I decided to study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
majored in informatics engineering. From here my journey begins...


Start my journey to learn Programming


Start working as a Freelancer


Graduated as Bachelor of Computer Science

Working at amalan International as a Backend Engineer


Working at amalan International as a Fullstack Engineer



Projects & Portfolios

Here are some Projects I have worked on and some Portfolios.

the crabbys

Food Ordering App

This project is about food ordering Web application built with codeigniter 3. Integrated with Pusher API, Mapquest API and Midtrans payment gateway.

MySQL - Codeigniter - Javascript

salut bci

Salut BCI Balikpapan

This project is my client's order project, i'm developing this project from scratch. this project is using MySQL database, Laravel PHP Web Framework, Jquery and Pusher API for realtime notification.

MySQL - Laravel - Javascript

simple image editor

Simpe Image Editor

Simple image editor built with Vue 3 & Typescript

Vue 3 - Typescript

simple url shortener

Simpe URL Shortener

Simple URL shortener built with Svelte & Typescript

Svelte - Typescript

mandiri support

Mandiri Support Balikpapan

This project is my client's order project, i'm developing this project from scratch. this project is using MySQL database, Laravel PHP Web Framework, Jquery and Pusher API for realtime notification.

MySQL - Laravel - Javascript

moekti hills

Moekti Hills

This project is my client's order project, i'm developing this project from scratch. this project is using MySQL database, Laravel PHP Web Framework, Vue, Typescript. Integrated with Pusher API and Xendit API.

MySQL - Laravel - Vue - Typescript